Thursday, September 22, 2011

Brain teaser

The Second World War wouldn’t have lasted as long, without the money the so called neutral Swiss and even the Rothschild’s pumped in to the German economy.
In doing so, helped to finance the endlĂ–sung.

I ask of you to think back to all man made disasters and think cynically, who benefitted.

We pay our leaders huge wages and wonder why they don’t have any affiliation with common men.
Does parliament really comes from the French Parlez and Mentir with means speaking and lying.

Politicians have since day and age tried to influence our thought processes and are still doing so today.
Fear mongering, religion, terrorism and nationalism are some of the tools they use to keep you compliant.

To what end?

Cynically, to make money.

WTC owned by Silverstein Properties, whom where paid $4.55 billion from the insurance compagny, 40 year old buildings, ready for deconstruction, with a lot of asbestos in them.
They didn’t fall over when is ’93 a 1500 pound bom went of at the foundation, but a incredible sturdy construction made to hold up 110 floors, falls down when a plane hits the 77th floor.
Should the top have fallen of or would have collapsed, but the whole tower?
WTC 7 was never hit ?

The Iraq war wan’t for the nucleur bombs they had, they didn’t, it was for the potential oil, estemated te be between a 100 and 200 million barrels.

What’s out there in Afghanistan?

The 2008 monetary crisis was a 10 second computer qluitch on the new york stock echange.

Who controls and benefits?
Who owns the banks?

I challenge you to use your own brain and don’t just believe what they tell you.

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Christianity against the all mighty dollar.

Moral decay.

The Queen of the Netherlands told us to be sober and have solidarity, this in reverence to monetary crises.
She just had a 10% money increase in 2009, witch made het income € 5000000. - that without paying tax.
If you go to court here, her photo hangs there, as the shiny example. (funny)
At the same time the Dutch prime minister called for a top income, for all top government employees, approximately € 200000.- .

Not much later he took a job paying him €750000.- and there seems to be a trend that prime ministers and top ministers after there term, get jobs earning them huge sums.
Our Queen should be our moral guide, not likely being raised by her father ( see last article), instead through her sister hides a lot of money via the channel islands.
She and a lot of world leaders meet in secret, once a year, at the Bilderberg conference,
where they probably don’t play pinocle.

This shouldn’t just concern the Dutch, but the latest presidents of the US, went to the Billderberg conference, democrats and republicans alike, Kennedy’s, Bush family, Clinton, Rumsfeld, Cheney and even Obama.
Even the French president Sarkozy, Prince Charles, and the German prime minister Merkel.
There is probably being decided what’s going to happen to the world. Policies are made and nobody gets insight what’s been done.
What a democracy ????

Cheney in a interview on YouTube said, that he consider the torture in the Abu Ghraip as, no problem, with the expression, you got to break an egg to make an omelette, justifying everything.
There never was proof of nuclear material in Iraq, fabricated

It’s all about oil.
To what length will these moral leaders go, and what other lies have they been telling you.
WTC 7 was never hit by a plane.

These are the people that should be our moral beacons.
What a sorry state we are in.

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

royal opportunist

Nazi, SS’r, thief, philanderer and all out opportunist.

It’s incredible, the short memory most people and politicians have!
 Bernhard prince of the Netherlands has always been a scheming opportunist, his arm dealings, well known is for instance the Lockheed affair and many other relations he had with companies that gave him money, the stealing of paintings, witch he used to fund the many bastard children he spawned.

 Even now on Remembrance Day for the war politicians wear a white carnation. In the Second World War the white carnation was used as recognition for people out uniform in the SS, and when Dutch traitors in the Rauter SS went to east front, they got a white carnation.

 He was one of the founders of the Bilderberg group, witch to this day and age still meet in secret with members as: obviously the queen of the Netherlands, prince Charles, the Bush family, Rothschild’s, Rockefellers and more influential people in the world and the financial crises is just a means to bring down social acquirement's.

Don’t for a moment think it stops there, even now the Dutch queen, trough her sister, is hiding away her money via the Channel Islands. Her son, the king to be, bought a piece of real-a-state in Argentina 50 miles outside of Bariloche where the Zorreguieta’s used to live, a well known nazi hangout, where the brother of Bernard used to have a lot ground. Bernhard was well known in Argentina, for his dealings there and it’s been said met Jorge Zorreguieta, a minister of agriculture there. To many coincidences!!!, and still most politicians want the Royals to stay?????

 Make the Netherlands a republic, so we can get rid of these folks.

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